Gale In Context Current, authoritative and media rich resources to inform and advance learning.
Ed. D., M.L.I.S.
Dr. McInerney is a proud Rutgers Graduate for both her undergraduate degrees in American History and American Literature a well as her Master's in Library Science. This is a second career for Dr. McInerney. Prior to becoming a School Librarian, she spent 15 years as a researcher/paralegal working in New Jersey law firms. When she was researching one night, she realized that the only place she was truly happy was in the library. After completing her degree in Library Science she went on to earn another Masters and a subsequent Ed. D. in School Leadership from Seton Hall University. The focus of her research has been on curriculum and empowering learners.
In her spare time, Dr. McInerney likes to travel with her husband and two adult children and of course reading.
Open Library is an Initiative from the Internet Archive that allows you to borrow books digitally. You simply create an account using your name and email. Once you have an account you can search and borrow books. Once the borrowing period is over the book is automatically returned.
The Quinn Library encourages mindful exploration of resources to empower students to be critical thinkers, effective and ethical users of information and lifelong readers and learners in order to become productive citizens in a global and socially just society.